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We have gathered some writings that allow us to take a look at what the farewell of this endearing human being meant, who can be said with property that "went through life doing good."

It is a luminous flow of love and faith that was poured into a joyful and sad duality at the same time, in social networks, the days after his death. Messages emerged in various languages, minute by minute, hour after hour, with expressions of gratitude, joy, sadness and certainty in the faith, of which we share some of them, in the language they received.

11/02/2013 15:03 Arnaldina, from Porto Alegre, Brazil

I will never be able to say that Frei Ignacio entered into his life to transform, in love, patience and humility. In order to always see Saudade from the fact that he was a prophet of two temples, it is more Holy that together with Pai he intercedes the offices of Oração e Vida, guides and office workers of the world. I always attached dear Frei.


11/02/2013 10:13 Zulema from Saltillo, Mexico

Oct 28, 2013 Ephesians 2,19 Father Ignacio: "You are no longer a foreigner or a guest, but a fellow citizen of the saints and a member of the family of God." God the Father sowed him in the earth like a mustard seed; It grew, it became a big bush and the birds of the sky, we are all TOV Guides and Workshop from all over the world we will shelter in its branches. And as yeast he injected his messages into our lives and made us grow inwardly in the spiritual and in the human. Messages full of spiritual wisdom and human knowledge that has made us wake up from a dream of comfort, indifference, heartbreak. REST IN PEACE, MY DEAR FATHER IGNACIO!


11/02/2013 09:19 Federico and Teresa Lau, from Lima, Peru

P. Ignacio, you are with your arms extended towards Him, your love has met LOVE, so you are living PEACE intensely. We miss your presence on earth, but united to you and supported by the LORD JESUS ​​CHRIST, we feel JOY IN THE HEART.

The face to face you are living makes us see your glowing face. P. Ignacio, you bet on the LORD JESUS ​​CHRIST and now you are with Him in heaven. From now on we have a saint who prays for each one of us, the World Guides. BLESSED BE, LOVING FATHER! GLORY TO YOU, MY GOD AND MY EVERYTHING!


11/02/2013 07:16 José Flávio C Pinheiro from Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil

O Céu ganhou mais um Santo! To intercede with DEUS PAI for all of us, members of the Oração e Vida Offices and family members!

This religious fighter or bom fights here in Terra and not Céu will receive Coroa da Glória, lavou suas vestes com or Sangue do Cordeiro !!!


11/02/2013 02:49 Juan and Merche, from Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain

Everything experienced these days that surround "the last trip" of Fr. Ignacio, confirms to us the privilege of knowing him. That the Lord has placed in our lives a Saint and that belonging to Workshops and knowing his texts our life has taken another direction and another meaning, he only invites us to thank the Lord for his mysterious Providence.


11/01/2013 20:45 Andrés Vazquez, Beatriz Meunier, from Xalapa, Vera Cruz, Mexico

Dear brothers in Christ Jesus, we join the people of TOV Guides, the unexpected departure of our dear Founder Father Ignacio Larrañaga produces a duality of feelings, the human part resists with deep pain the loss, the spiritual part fills us with joy Knowing that he is in the loving arms of his beloved Father, may God grant us to see him soon raised to the altar of saints. Dear Father, you have not left, you are still alive in our hearts, we will always remember you with love, respect and admiration, remembering that we have to start again because until today little and nothing we have done. Rest in peace.


11/01/2013 18:53 Rosario Mayela Palma Guédez, from Barquisimeto 2, Venezuela

My heart feels desolate ... but at the same time comforted because we already have our Saint in the HOUSE OF THE FATHER, so that he may intercede for his little guides and that we may be that forest of women and men burned by the "love of GOD" Silence and peace. My dear Father Ignacio was taken to the country of life. As your spiritual daughter, I will deeply feel your absence ... but with the certainty that you are already in the Presence of the FATHER ... as was your soul's longing. Dear Father Ignacio, go up to the final meeting ... "Your dwelling place now is rest, and your dress, light, forever." Your words will always resonate in my soul: "Let us begin again, because we have done little and nothing for the Lord." Silence and Peace Very strong fraternal hug to all my brothers Guides of the world.


11/01/2013 16:00 Elita S. S. Bianchini, from Ribeirão Preto Brazil

Frei Ignácio, as many words as we see in my mouth, I know nothing but what I feel. A sadness invades me, but it comforts me to be certain that you are next to Pai, contemplating-or face-to-face. I thanked Deus, for placing me in the offices of Oração e Vida e, through the condoce-lo pessoally. Homem de Fé, de coragem, de força, doçura, firmness, loving, affectionate.

Holy homem. I am taught that I should pray and that I would pray Rest in Peace, BELOVED FREI, and intercede with Pai for our guides, that we fear that we will continue this abhorrent work of evangelization that we will confide in us. He believed that to Santa Santa and Abençoada Homenagem, we will continue with his work as FIDELIDADE, FIRMEZA, MUITO AMOR E ALEGRIA. Obrigado Frei


11/01/2013 12:29 Catalina Romero from Bogotá

It only remains to thank the Almighty for the life and work of this saint; because with his works he led and will continue to lead thousands of hearts to the Lord, because he gave his life for the Kingdom of God, because he taught me to walk from a small fence taken by the hand of Jesus. Thank you! Thank you! I will always remember you and carry you in my heart. It hurts to know that you are no longer here, but at the same time I feel happy that you are enjoying with Francisco de Asís, with Maria, with Jesus and especially with the Father in a hug that is repeated as in a thousand arms. Thank you Father for that gift of life.


11/01/2013 11:02 Isabel Cristina López Ruiz, from Medellín

Thank you Father Ignacio: For your great work the WORKSHOPS OF PRAYER AND LIFE, an instrument that has served for the conversion of thousands of workshop workers, us Guides and our families. You are the Prophet of our time, the Moses who took us to the promised land, to meet and feel loved by Father God. Now it is our task to follow your example without getting tired of bringing that Charm of God to the charm of the life of many little sheep that need to hear his voice. Thank you P. Ignacio for that great blessing I received from you. Today we celebrate your day, because you are a Saint who already enjoys the loving presence in the arms of God.


11/01/2013 10:54 Myriam from Luque, Py, Boston, USA

I was a Workshop and then Guide to Workshops for Adults and also for Youth. TOV was the place of my reunion with God, of falling in love again, of the return to the House of the Father, a sign of the great Love that my Father God has for me. Look, I have so many qualifiers to describe what the TOVs meant in my life. When I learned of the death of the beloved p. Ignacio has hurt me to the bottom of my heart, but I thank our Father God so much for his life, for what he has done, and for how many people he has done well without knowing it, because there will be many people like me who have not met him personally and neither did he find out that he has made my person happy. He was a bridge between God and me and I thank God infinitely for this most valuable instrument that he went to meet with Him. I join you in this pain and celebrate the arrival at the Father's House of a great Saint.

Today I am a member of the Association “Missionaries of Hope (MIES)”, but the TOVs are rooted in me. They are part of my Salvation story. A hug.


11/1/2013 10:09 Milagros Espinossa from Lake Balboa, CA (San Fernando Valley), USA

My beloved Lord, nobody but you know how many times I thanked you for sending us a holy man like Father Ignacio Larrañaga was. You sent him your Holy Spirit to always enlighten him and take you so many, so many, so many sheep gone astray to your fold. Sheep that walked the world without a Shepherd. He taught us to know you were a God of LOVE and not of FEAR, He taught us to Pray to make us YOUR FRIENDS as you called us my Lord when it was your turn to leave. Just as you allowed him to do the great work of WORKSHOPS OF PRAYER AND LIFE on this earth, let him always be watching over this family that he left in this world, that this family be united, that of love, compassion, peace and that there are never, never divisions, much less that the people who continue their legacy seize those charges, but give it Wisdom to exercise it, especially a lot of TRANSPARENCY, that there is above all THE FRATERNITY as Father Ignacio preached it, emphasized it, He claimed that WE LOVED OTHERS OTHERS AS YOU HAVE ALWAYS LOVED US. Father, give this holy man IGNACIO, the reward he deserves for LOVING YOU SO MUCH, especially that he is already looking at you as in his meeting prayer “CARA A CARA”, Amen.


11/01/2013 07:47 Myriam Walteros, Workshop from Bogotá, Colombia

Dear Father Ignacio, you leave in me and in all those who knew you a great sadness and a deep emptiness for your departure, but the greatest joy is knowing that you are enjoying the presence of our Lord !!! who gave you that beautiful gift so that through you we knew the unconditional love that He has for us and that together with our Mother Mary welcomes us, guides us, protects us and fills us with the peace we need so much. Thank you Father Ignacio for that beautiful gift that you left us! THE WORKSHOPS OF PRAYER AND LIFE !!!, because with them many people have had the wonderful experience of meeting the Lord; thank you for that dedication and that strength that you always demonstrated, thanks for that invaluable wealth that you leave us through your books, the messages that you transmitted with that voice that echoes my heart when I hear you ... those beautiful songs ... thanks For teaching me this spirituality so beautiful, I know that I need a lot to know, I am taking my first steps, if the Lord allows me to make your great work known to many more people, because I cannot remain silent before so many men, women and children that They are in need of God and of the Virgin Mary, I would like to put a grain of sand so that your work continues as you always wanted it, and for Workshops to be more solid than ever ... Dear Guides the work has to continue because it wants it Father Ignacio who is watching us from heaven because he is a Saint who will intercede for us so that we do not faint and continue on this beautiful walk. Let's move on, let's not let the feeling of sadness that our heart has in our heart now invade us and divert us from our conviction. MANY ENCOURAGES GUIDES OF THE WORLD ... Father Ignacio is with us, the Lord has him in his Gloria ... may Peace rest ...

11/01/2013 00:04 Joel Jaramillo Otero, from Moquegua, Peru

My dear Master and first Guide in life and in my family, thank God I met you before being a TOV Guide your great work inspired by the Holy Spirit, you marked me with your fire. Thank you for being what I am, all my life I will keep in mind in my heart and in my daily prayers. With the will of God you will become the Holy Father of Prayer Daddy Ignacio Silence and Peace.


10/31/2013 19:57 Víctor Azúa Villalobos, from Los Angeles, Chile

Peace and Good to all my brothers Guides of the world, it is in these moments that our father Ignacio's words resonate, faith is not feeling but knowing, we know of the infinite love that God the Father has for us, I learned this from this holy man of our time and by the grace of God we knew him so closely. Father Ignacio thank you, you are already with the one that your soul so longed for and wanted to make known, sister death came to take you to the Father's house, and you contemplate the face of our Father from heaven and that of your beloved Jesus. Rest in peace in the arms of God, our good Father for all eternity. We entrust ourselves to you, pray to God our Lord for all of us Guides of the world.


10/31/2013 19:20 Carmen Gloria Aravena from Angol, Chile

Beloved Father you gave us to a Saint, You lived in him and he lived in you, he cared only for your Glory Good Father. You sent him as an Angel of light to our lives, so that we would know you and be happy. He taught us to love you, led us to silence and contemplation where we met your love. He showed Jesus our Brother, as the only hope, as a model of life to reach Your Father, fullness of our souls. He fought the great battle until the end, concluded his career and received the crown that you, Father, had prepared for him. He is already in the longed for Homeland, next to You in eternal joy. A chorus of angels singing the alleluia has taken him to your Holy abode and there he will continue watching over his beloved children. In our hearts he will be immortal and his memory will live forever.


10/31/2013 5:57 PM Joana D’Arc from Janaúba, Minas Gerais, Brazil

I thanked Deus for giving me a grace de conhecer Frei Ignácio Larrañaga through the Offices of Oração e Vida. Whenever either via tinha or garlic garlic, I want to eat and drink it more smoothly. Pois tinha to certainty that he was a saint of Deus, like Paul and Jesus Christ. Frei Ignácio showed us here that no one else teaches: to be in the presence of Jesus Christ in peace and peace, to live in humility, or abandonment and to go out following Jesus' steps, raising-O to the poor. Frei Ignácio, sinto-o agora mais perto de mim e do Pai. Before there was a distance from Spain, you are next to Pai e me ouves and I am sure that you will guide your family through our intimacy with Pai. Obrigated to implant Jesus Christ in me coração for semper. Saudades, gratidão, admiiração, carinho, commitment to your work in levar um flake of joy in each portal. He who saw Jesus 'heart and saw us or found us returns to Jesus' heart to worship him in the spirit and true face to face. Blessed seja or seu nome e sua work for semper.

11/03/2013 18:24 Patricia Cabral, from Tucumán, Argentina

This wonderful and holy man has guided me for years in faith and meditation. It was one of the pillars of my return to the Catholic Church. Heavenly Father, receive in your arms this servant of yours, who lived among us to show us your Face and allow us the great leap into the void, which is faith. Thank you, merciful Father for giving us his wisdom, because he taught us to pray and brought us closer to a loving God. And thanks to all who make the TOV possible, because now they will be more than ever, messenger of the Father's love, and spiritual children of Father Ignacio and his holy and transcendent work. Thank you, my God, because you continue to bless us with these saints of today, sown throughout the world, for your infinite mercy.


11/03/2013 12:50 Leonor, from Caracas-Venezuela

Very sad for his departure. I thank you Lord, therefore good to your creation through your servant Ignacio Larrañaga. We have a new saint to venerate, now he is enjoying the embrace of the Father of whom he so beautifully spoke in his tireless pastoral work.


11/03/2013 08:27 María Virginia H, from Tuxpan Jalisco, Mexico

Sensitive death of your body, but glorious arrival face to face with the Father who must be happy to receive a saint who motivated more than 15 thousand on Earth to make his Golden Dream come true. We love you.


11/03/2013 08:11 Sweet Eneida de Resende, from TOV, Itajubá MG, Brazil

Frei Ignácio, Prophet two Sec. XX and XXI, leaf through the presence of Face do Pai, and he is most Holy to intercede with joelhos, for us not Céu, according to his own words. Your departure for the house of Pai deixa-nos a saudade imensa! Moreover, his image will never be extinguished in our mind and heart. That he deservedly rests for so much dedication and service rendered to Igreja and to humanities in a general way. Abraços fraternos a sua família e aos Franciscanos, as we are sincere feelings of gratitude!


11/03/2013 07:05 Regina Helena, from Vila Velha ES -Brazil

Silence for me always dear Frei Ignacio! Agora this day of Deus de joelhos asking for us! Obrigada por tudo! Em tuas mãos meu Deus delivered this teu Servo! This month, Spiritual Country! Quanta sabedoria! Quanta Paz! Quanta Luz! For me ... an example of life na faith! Meu dear frei nasceu na Eternidade! Dai-me Senhor to graça follow you forever! Rest in peace! You are Bem! FAÇA-SE! OBRIGADA SENHOR PELA GRAÇA TO CONHECT THIS HOLY HOMEM!


11/03/2013 06:44 María Emília, from Viçosa MG, Brazil

Hoje we celebrate the seventh-day massa pela morte de frei Ignacio, we are very sad, because we know in the absence that he will tell us, but we are also happy because we know that he leafs, the day of all the saints, or that he is glad for my holy um that la chegou. Frei Ignacio intercede for us along with Pai.


11/03/2013 06:02 Jairo Urrego, from Puerto Rico

Her dress is the Light and her abode is the Rest. Father Ignacio, from the country where the sun always shines, you bless all the Guides of the world. Like San Ignacio de Loyola, one day you will be canonized and then you will permanently become San Ignacio Larrañaga. When the Father calls us into his arms, we hope to see you again and embrace you.


11/02/2013 21:36 Teresa de Jesús Rodríguez Flores, from Durango, Mexico

Knowing that at the end of our physical existence, our Life is eternally full in God, I present my condolences to the TOV world community, especially to you, dear brother, for the physical disappearance of our beloved father Ignacio, with the firm certainty that he has returned to the Paternal Lord after having fully fulfilled his priestly mission as a preacher of the Gospel and as a living testimony of Jesus Christ. Mexico was chosen by God to pick up his spirit in Guadalajara, as a Mexican, I think it was a blessing and, we welcomed him with love, tenderness and gratitude. I attended two solemn Masses of body present in the chapel of the Nazareth House of Prayer in Guadalajara. We pray for him with fervor. The officiating priests highlighted his palpable virtues for all who knew him: his priestly zeal for transmitting the joy of Christ, his passion for the value of prayer before the Father, his simplicity, his humility, his mercy, his gift of speech, your detachment from things, from people and from yourself to give yourself to the service .... Dear brothers, let us recognize in Father Ignacio Larrañaga the saint who brought us so close to Christ, we ask for his Canonization before the Holy See, for his elevation to the altars. Solidarity in spirit.


11/02/2013 19:50 María Guadalupe Rodríguez Flores, from Durango, Mexico.

Dear brothers of my TOV Family, receive my deepest condolences for the physical absence of our beloved father Ignacio, and at the same time receive my most sincere congratulations for having met, treated and followed the footsteps of the one who founded this Holy Apostolate. United in these feelings we deliver our Pain-Love to the God of Tenderness and we ask for GLORIFICATION IN THE ALTARES of our Pastor, and because the TORCH that each of us carries when announcing the Risen Christ in Sessions is lit with more FIRE of the workshop. "Brothers so far we have done little or nothing, let's start again."


02/11/2013 19:21 María Nohemy Correa Granada, desde Armenia, Colombia

Padre Ignacio: Uno de los regalos más hermosos que Dios me ha regalado es haberlo conocido y a través de él conocer el Amor infinito de Dios, en él pude ver que la santidad existe y que la oración transforma nuestros corazones, gracias Padre Celestial por este hermoso regalo hecho carne y vida en padre Ignacio hoy resucitado. Y su recuerdo perdurará en mí para siempre. Gracias padre Ignacio por tanto bien, intercede por toda esta familia de TOV que dejaste tan bien estructurada, para que todos recordemos implantar ese Dios vivo en nuestros corazones y que la oración sea nuestro primer alimento de cada día. Gracias padre.


11/02/2013 18:10 Hugo Guiñez Mardonez, Chillán, Chile

Father Ignacio Larrañaga. Oct 29 (3 days ago) I have rarely felt the need to express and transcend my thoughts and feelings towards others. In these lines my intention is to reach the heart and consciousness of people who can read this article. A Holy man, the Franciscan Capuchin Priest Ignacio Larrañaga, writer and Founder of the Prayer and Life Workshops, has passed away. His world-famous work and mission will remain in the heart of those who especially had the opportunity to meet him personally and have walked with him in the search for knowledge. His wisdom, the way of seeing life and death, his concern for the pursuit of happiness and love free to God and others, reached millions of people, to deliver what he considered important for each of us to suffer less. He intended to reach everyone without exclusion. We hope that his unfinished Mission will continue in our existence and that now from Heaven his Spirit will cover us, giving us his protection against the swings of life. As we will miss his messages of Love, Fraternity, Peace and Forgiveness, in this world convulsed by human passions and interests. How are we going to need his guiding voice in the midst of this tumult of materialism, resentment and disputes. This wise man has departed but his soul will shine for generations and his legacy will remain among us, the seed that spread throughout the world has fallen on fertile soil and like wheat despite cold and snowfall, it will germinate and its consistency will feed humanity in that life cycle that God gives us. Like the golden phrase that says: "EVERYTHING HAS HAPPENED HIM, HAS BEEN FOR HIS GOOD"

TOVPIL Foundation

Fundación Talleres de Oración y Vida
Padre Ignacio Larrañaga


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