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Solemnity of Saint Mary

According to the angel’s words at the Annunciation, he who resides in your womb will be called holy (Luke 1: 35) and the holy One to be born will make you holy.

In the Bible, “holy” is not an adjective, quality, or property, but a noun. The word “holy”: “with God and by God removed from the world.” Its semantic reference, “holy” pertains more to verbs like to separate, to reserve, or to set apart.

This sheds light on the profound meaning of virginity: someone seduced by God, who has been enthroned in the heart solitarily, in the dark of night, sustained always erect, and held up by the strong arm of the Father, and irradiated by the veiled but dazzling light of His Face.

In the first place, God is holy as separated from the world that is totally different from Him. A saint is one who is apart from this world and who belongs to the world of God. That is how Mary is holy because of the holiness of her Son. She is removed from the realm of creation and situated in the sphere of the things and persons whom God has made as His own.

Extracted from the Book “The Silence of Mary” by Father Ignacio Larrñaga


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