Jesus, humble and gentle
Forgive as Jesus forgave Judas, Peter, the thief, the Sanhedrites, the attacker from the house of Annas.
Jesus fled publicity to heal the sick, to multiply the loaves, to come down from the Mount of Transfiguration.
When Jesus was ridiculed before Pilate and Caiaphas, He did not answer them on a single count (Mt 27:14). Jesus let Himself be “manipulated” by the Tempter without complaining (Mt 4:1-11).
To be gentle as Jesus who did not argue or raise His voice; no one heard His cries in the marketplace (Mt 12:15). Worrying about others without worrying about himself.

Jesus attended the hungry crowds (John 6, 1-16), the Apostles in the Garden, and Peter (Lk 22:51), the pious women, the thief (Lk 23:39), His mother at the foot of the cross Un 19:25). He never worried about Himself, took no time to eat, sleep, or rest (Mk 1:35; 2:7).
This love of Jesus must have so impressed His witnesses that they give us this memory, recorded in priceless words: “God so loved the world: he gave his only son” John 3:16); “He loved me and gave himself for me” (Gal 2:20); there has been an explosion in recent times “of the kindness and love of our Savior to men” (Ti.3:4)
Extracted from the book “Sensing your Hidden Presence by Fr. Ignacio Larrañaga