Our Maternal Destiny
The radical significance of spiritual motherhood consists, in that Mary be again be Mother of Jesus Christ in us.
Every mother conceives and has the ability of giving birth. The Mother of Christ had Him in her womb, and she gave Him birth. Spiritual maternity means Mary holds Jesus in her womb, and she gives Him birth in us and through us.
In a word, the birth of Christ means that we embody and “give birth” to Christ Who shines through us, the existential Christ, allow me the expression, the same way as Jesus felt, acted and lived when He existed on this earth. This is the Church which is born, and grows, and manifests Christ’s feelings, and actions, and reactions, and way of acting, and becomes visible throughout our lives.
This means that we have a “maternal” destiny: have Christ grow in us and let Him be born from us.
The Church “is” Jesus Christ. The growth of the Church is proportional to the birth of Jesus in us.
The Church has an internal dimension that is easy to lose sight of. The church is the Body of Christ or the Total Christ.
Extracted from the book “The Silence of Mary” by Father Ignacio Larrañaga