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News Foundation TOVPIL

A Feat of Liberation Psalm 118 (117)


Psalm 118 is like an immense amphitheater in which a large opera performs. A feat of liberation, of almost epic proportions, is presented on this stage.


The beginning of the Psalm is spectacular.  All the brass sections of the orchestra, led by the silver trumpets, blast a song of jubilation into the air, like a “prancing fanfare,” setting the tone for the whole Psalm. “His mercy is everlasting.”

Let the whole earth rejoice, and let the countless islands jump for joy with this great news. Our God is dressed in a mantle of mercy, preceded by tenderness and accompanied by loyalty.  His love endures forever and is everlasting.  He comes riding on a cloud, along whose edge is written the word Love.


This news of His  eternal  love  was  witnessed  by all  of  the faithful in whose nights the Lord shone like a torch of stars and as a refreshing shadow in the noonday sun.


Eternal glory then, to the One who watched over our sleep and watched over our comings and goings!


Extracted from the book Psalms for Life by Fr. Ignacio Larrañaga


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