In Deep Waters
“Oh, Father of tenderness: this afternoon I take in my hands this bitter cup, and I lovingly deposit it in your hands as an offering of love and the price of ransom. I assume the pain of all of humanity in my own pain. I assume the assassination of millions of innocent people in my own assassination. I want to bear the infinite injustices and injuries of humanity in my own sentence.
In my own agony, the dying of all times also agonized. This afternoon, my Father, I want the immensity of human suffering, once transformed into love by my suffering, to have the sense of redemption and the value of expiation, thereby sanctifying pain forever. I want the pain and love of this afternoon to embrace like the twilight and the dawn, and let redemption be a tree with open frontiers which, with its shade, cover the entire human race. I want to push humankind towards an unknown home, to free the tired feet from their heavy chains, and put into action a love that does not possess nor is possessed.”
Extracted from the book “The Poor One of Nazaret” by father Ignacio Larrañaga.